CALM believes in telling you everything about our natural ingredients. CALM Rose Hips & Oatmeal Powder Facial Cleanser Natural Ingredients: Collodial Oatmeal, Soy Milk Powder, Lavender Powder, Chamomile Powder, Rose Hips Powder, Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda).
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Baking Soda (Sodium bicarbonate, bicarbonate of soda)
usually appears as a fine powder, but can also appear as a white solid
that is crystalline. Ancients Egyptians used natural deposits of Natron,
a mixture of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate, as a cleansing
agent like soap for a variety of purposes. In 1791 a French Chemist
produced sodium bicarbonate as we know it today. Baking soda acts as a
mild exfoliant to prevent acne and clean your skin.
Chamomile Powder
- Chamomile is a common name for a daisy-like plant. Chamomile is one of the oldest favourites amongst garden herbs and its reputation as a medicinal plant shows little signs of abatement. The Egyptians reverenced it for its virtues, and from their belief in its power to cure ague, supposedly dedicated it to their gods. Chamomile powder will relax, soften and heal the skin.
Lavandula Officinalis (Essential Oil of Lavender) is an aromatic perennial evergreen shrub. Its woody stems bear lavender or purple flowers from late spring to early autumn, although there are varieties with blossoms of white or pink. The use of Lavender goes back thousands of years, with the first recorded uses by the Egyptians during the mummification process. Lavender was used as an after-bath perfume by the Romans, who gave the herb its name from the Latin lavare, to wash. It stimulates the growth of new skin cells, tones and balances the skin and promotes relaxation.
Oatmeal is created by grinding oats into a coarse powder, but it’s not just for porridge preparations. Oatmeal, when applied topically, helps skin retain its natural moisture balance. It acts as a mild exfoliant to help remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin, and yet leave it soft and smooth.
Rose Hips
also called the rose haw, is actually the fruit of the rose that develops as the flowers drop off. They are one of the most concentrated sources of vitamin C available. In addition to C, rose hips also contain A, D and E, as well as antioxidant flavonoids that may reduce the effects of aging and stress.
Soy Milk Powder (Non GMO) is soy milk from which all water has been removed. The process of dehydration is carried out in a sequence of evaporator units, where steam from the preceding unit is used as the heat source in the next unit, resulting in low energy consumption. The powder results in the use of less packaging waste, compared to soy milk packed in cartons. For your skin, it has been added for it’s potential antiaging and antioxidant benefits in addition to being a gentle scrub and moisturizer.
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