Home > DIY Beauty > CALM Daily Skincare Routine

CALM daily skincare routine - We understand that the daily grind can wear you out and cause you to neglect your skin. Here's what we suggest...


1) Cleanse with Rose Hips & Oatmeal Powder Facial Cleanser (easiest to do outside of shower due to powder base). If you have really dry skin due to a harsh winter or simply due to your skin type, sometimes washing your face only once a day at night is sufficient. Instead, you can splash your face with water in the morning.

2) Tone with Rosemary Eucalyptus Facial Toner (Oily/Combo Skin Types) or Calendula Chamomile Facial Toner (Dry/Normal Skin Types) Many skip this step, but it prepares your pores for the moisturizer with some delicate cleansing via essential oils that tone your skin and provide aromatherapy.

3) Moisturize your face with Blueberry Aloe Facial Moisturizer and then if desired, your sunblock protection of choice

4) Moisturize your eyes and remove your makeup with Neem Oil Eye Serum & Makeup Remover (for neck best at night only)

5) Moisturize your body

6) For your hands during the day, treat yourself to Jojoba Hand Salve and carry it with you everywhere

**Let the body moisturizing sink in for at least 5 minutes, try not to immediately throw on all your clothes, a robe is better…

Same Routine with the exception of applying Facial Moisturizer. It’s best to let skin breathe at night. However, during harsh winter months, a light application of Blueberry Aloe Facial Moisturizer may be necessary.


1) Steam & Open all your pores - DIY Instructions

2) 1 Type of Facial Mask

Green Tea Clay Cleansing Facial Mask - Oily Unbalanced Skin

Hot Chocolate Aromatherapy Facial Mask - Sensitive Unbalanced Skin

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