CALM believes in telling you everything about our natural ingredients. CALM Rosemary Eucalyptus Facial Toner Natural Ingredients: Water (Distilled), Eucalyptus Oil, Rosmarinus (rosemary) officinalis, Lavandula (lavender) Officinalis, Leucidal (radish) Liquid Preservative, Tea Tree (Melaleuca) Oil, Green Tea Extract, Glycerin.
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- The essential oil is obtained from fresh leaves of the tall evergreen eucalyptus tree, which is in the myrtle family. Eucalyptus oil has antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial properties along with having a refreshing effect on the skin. During cold or flu season, a Eucalyptus steam can be very beneficial to the respiratory system.
Glycerin is a humectant, meaning it attracts moisture to your skin. Glycerin is a natural by-product of the soapmaking process and while commercial manufacturers remove the glycerin for use in their more profitable lotions and creams, handcrafted soap retains glycerin in each and every bar. Some of the extracts used have glycerin added to them during the extraction process.
Green Tea Extract - ECOCert Certified Organic
are herbal derivatives from green tea leaves (Camellia sinensis). They contain antioxidant ingredients and even exhibit stronger antioxidant protection for human body than vitamin C and vitamin E. Due to the high antioxidant levels of green tea extracts, it is hoped that they will be further developed as a natural food preservative.
Lavandula Officinalis (Essential Oil of Lavender) is an aromatic
perennial evergreen shrub. Its woody stems bear lavender or purple
flowers from late spring to early autumn, although there are varieties
with blossoms of white or pink. The use of Lavender goes back thousands
of years, with the first recorded uses by the Egyptians during the
mummification process. Lavender was used as an after-bath perfume by the
Romans, who gave the herb its name from the Latin lavare, to wash. It
stimulates the growth of new skin cells, tones and balances the skin and
promotes relaxation.
Leucidal Liquid® is a natural preservative from Active Micro Systems combining the current trends for alternative preservative systems and peptide technology. Derived from radishes fermented with Leuconostoc kimchii, a lactic acid bacteria that has traditionally been used to make kimchi, this product consists of an isolated peptide that is secreted from the bacteria during the fermentation process that has been shown to have antimicrobial benefits.
Rosmarinus officinalis (Essential Oil of Rosemary)
The name rosemary derives from the latin name rosmarinus, which is from “dew” (ros) and “sea” (marinus), or “dew of the sea” — apparently because it is frequently found growing near the sea. Rosemary has mild antibacterial properties, helps increase circulation and has a rejuvenating and cleansing effect on the skin in addition to a wonderful aroma.
Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca Oil)
is a pale yellow colour to nearly clear hydrophobic essential oil with a fresh camphoraceous odor. It is taken from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia which is native to the northeast coast of New South Wales, Australia. Tea tree oil has antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal properties that aid in the reduction of blemishes.
Water (Distilled)
Natural water usually contains a number of microscopic contaminants, along with dissolved minerals such as calcium and iron. One way to remove these elements from water is to boil it until it changes to steam, a process known as distillation. When this steam is allowed to cool down and condense into liquid form again, the result is a purified form.
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